April 1967
Bolton Dynamoes in Europe
South Yorkshire Times April 8, 1967
Brian Tyler and Owen Simpson, of Rotherham United, congratulate Matthew Robinson, captain of Bolton dynamos, on Monday on his...
Diploma for Bolton Girl
South Yorkshire Times April 15 1967
Miss Susan Doreen Meek (17), twin daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Meek, 23, The Green, Bolton has been...
Weddings – Dodson & March – Bullock & Storer – Hayes & Goodall
South Yorkshire Times April 1967
Miss Catherine Dodson (Bolton)
and Mr John March (Nottingham)
at Bolton Parish Church
Miss Hilary Bullock (Goldthorpe)
and Mr Albert Storer (Bolton)
at Doncaster Road...
Weddings – Pottle & Purcell – Taylor & Walford – White & Twitchet
South Yorkshire Times April 1967
Miss P.E.Pottle (Herringthorpe)
and Mr G Purcell, of Bolton,
at Bolton Parish Church
Miss Janet Taylor (Bolton)
and Mr Brian Walford (Bolton)
at Bolton Parish...