Home 1934 January 1934

January 1934

Goldthorpe Aristocrat’s 200 Prizes – “Star” Airdale

January 1934
South Yorkshire Times, January 12th, 1934 "Star" Airdale Goldthorpe Aristocrat's 200 Prizes Mr. Percy Phillipson, Furlong Road, Goldthorpe, combines the diverse occupations of making coffins and breeding...

Good News for Wombwell District – Increased Tonnage

January 1934
South Yorkshire Times, January 5th, 1934 Good News for Wombwell District Increased Tonnage for Mitchell Main Collieries Separate Quota for Silkstone Seam Re-Employment of Many Miners A Splendid New...

Work-Sharing – Spreading In Local Collieries

January 1934
South Yorkshire Times, January 5th, 1934 Work-Sharing Spreading In Local Collieries Colliery owners and miners in this district favour the sharing out of work. Schemes inaugurated within...

“The Geisha” at Goldthorpe

January 1934
South Yorkshire Times, January 19th, 1934   “Opera week " at Goldthorpe opens on Monday. Our composite shows some of the players:— Top, left: O Mimosa San (Miss...