Home Places Streets and Communities Unexploded Relic of 1914-18 Air Raids

Unexploded Relic of 1914-18 Air Raids

December 1948

South Yorkshire Times, December 25, 1968

Unexploded Relic of 1914-18 Air Raids

An unexploded bomb found by workmen clearing a building site at Swinton is believed to be one dropped from a zeppelin during the 1914-18 war. It was found under some bushes, embedded in the earth at an angle, when one of the men struck his spade against it.

Hauled Out with Rope

Mr. Jim Williams, a builders labourer, of 11, Charles Street, Swinton was digging up a clump of small bushes and trees on the site at the end of Rookery Road near the “pre-fabs” when his spade struck a hard metallic object. A rusted iron tune appeared—a rope was put round the tube and out was hauled an unexploded aerial bomb.

The find was reported to Mr. O.Weaver, the contractor who contacted the police. Sgt. Black removed the bomb into his backyard at Swinton Police Station.

The measurements of the bomb are: 2ft. overall length, including a tube 15in. long, at one end of which is a tail fin which has almost corroded away, at the other end is a cast-iron metal egg shaped bulb 13in. in circumference. The missile looks exactly like an Indian club and is about the same size.

When our reporter called at Swinton Police Station Sgt. Black pointed out where the bomb was being kept s; (about 50ft. away from the desk at which he was seated) and remarked “I shall be glad when it’s gone.” It has now gone to Wakefield, conveyed in a van to police headquarters for a thorough investigation.

Mr. Williams told our reporter that he was half expecting to find more unexploded bombs of this kind in the hedges on the site. “Anyway,” he added, “we’ll soon know we’re digging it all up.”

The bomb was removed to Police Headquarters, Wakefield on Saturday afternoon

Sgt. Black said “The bomb would appear to be one of a number dropped from the air in the vicinity during the 1914-18 war.”

Bolton Memories

Mr. Fred Hawksworth Clerk to Dearne Urban Council, told our reporter this week that many bombs of a similar type were dropped by zeppelins on the Ings Lane and Dearne Road area of Bolton in about the year 1916 shattering window and damaging about 100 houses. They were also dropped in the Vicarage field at Bolton and fell in a straight line towards Thurnscoe where they were also dropped near the Vicarage. Mr. Hawksworth remembers relatives coming over from Hull about that time to “pick the remains up.”

He added there was a big scare throughout the country at that time caused by the dropping of these bombs.”