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To-Days London Hearing

October 1951

South Yorkshire Times, October 20th, 1951

To-Days London Hearing

The first case down for hearing in the cause list in the King’s Bench Division of the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand, London, to-day, will be an application on behalf of 17 past and present members of Dearne Urban Council.

These 17 councillors and ex-councillors are seeking a declaration from the Courts that in the matter of items of expenditure amounting to £835 in the accounts of the Council for the year ended March 31st 1950, which were subsequently the subject of a disallowance and surcharge, “they acted reasonably and in the belief that their action was authorised by law.”

The applicants have instructed J. H. Milner and Sons, a well-known firm of Leeds solicitors to act on their behalf and King’s Counsel has been briefed to present their case

The application will be made on behalf of Coun. H. Rothnie, P. Doyle, G. B. Salisbury T. Swift, Mrs. A Miller, W. Curry, Mrs. F. M. Humble, A. Beaney, J. A. Kean, L. Wilkinson, W. Burrows, M. Routledge and H. S. Hartley and Messrs. W. A. Williams, F. Brooke, P. Riley and J. Hughes.

Coun. Tom Swift will be in attendance in the King’s Bench Division to-day on behalf of his colleagues.