Home Crime Theft Six Silver Teaspoons – Suspicious Person under Confinement at Wakefield

Six Silver Teaspoons – Suspicious Person under Confinement at Wakefield

March 1786

Leeds Intelligencier March 14 1786

A Suspicious Person
Now under Confinement in the House of Correction at Wakefield.

Samuel Johnson, alias Jobson, a stout made young fellow, 19 years of age, 5’10” high, wears his own dark brown lank hair, brown eyebrows, fullish grey eyes, sharp aquiline nose, fresh complexion, has on a yellow, drab coloured cloth coat and waistcoat, with white plated buttons, a pair of dark coloured stript Cotton Velvet Breeches, says his father’s name is John Johnson, and lives at Whaley, in Cheshire, and that he is a Farmer and Common Carrier.

If any Person or Persons can charge the said Samuel Johnson, alias Jobson, with any Crime of Misdemeanor, they are requested to apply (previous to Pontefract sessions, which will be the first week after Easter) to Mr John Ward, Keeper of the House of correction at Wakefield before said, in order that he may be dealt with according to Law.

The afore said Samuel Johnson stands committed as a Vagrant for further Examination; also charged with attempting to defraud William Watson, of the Township of Bolton upon Dearne of six silver teaspoons