Home The Great War Injured and Missing Soldiers – Bowers – Four Brothers in France

Soldiers – Bowers – Four Brothers in France

September 1918

Mexborough and Swinton Times September 7, 1918

Bolton Patriots
Four Brothers In France

Mr. and Mrs. J. Bower, 20, Ladycroft, Bolton-on-Dearne, have four sons, all in France.

Lance Corporal G. H. Bower (York and Lancaster) (picture, bottom right) is in hospital with a severe gunshot wound in the left arm, received on August 17.

The other sons, Cpl. J. W. Bower (R.E.) (picture, top left) ; Spr. L. Bower (R.E.) (picture, bottom left), and Pte. W. H. Bower (picture, top left) K.O.Y.L.I.), are in the line.