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Sailor – Walker, John Arthur – Washed Overboard

November 1939

Mexborough and Swinton Times November 4, 1939

Missing Bolton Naval Stoker Washed Overboard
Promising Young Sailor

Exactly a month after their son had come home on his first war leave, the parents of First Class Stoker  John Arthur Walker, Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker, of 94, Furlong Road, Bolton, received a telegram from the Admiralty stating he had been washed overboard from the destroyer on which he had been serving, and was believed to have been drowned. Since then they have received no further information

Stoker Walker was 19 and a native of Bolton. At Bolton Council School, he gained a County Minor Scholarship and proceeded to Wath Grammar School. He had taken a keen interest in rugby and physical training from his early school days He had played for Wath Grammar School fifteen and later for the Navy at rugby, and had taken courses and given displays in physical training.

Before he joined the Navy last year, Stoker Walker had been secretary of the Free Christian Church at Bolton and had helped to organise many events for the Church.

He was taking an engineering course la the Navy with a view to becoming an artificer.

At the end of July Stoker Walker received a fortnight’s leave, and on Sept. 28th—exactly one month before the arrival of the tragic telegram at his parents’ home—came home for his first war leave, which lasted for five days. During the two leaves he looked up a lot of old schoolmates and acquaintances.

His father told our reporter that Stoker Walker was a good swimmer.

From C.W.G.C.:

Stoker 1st Class
Service Number P/KX 94639
Died 23/10/1939
Aged 19
H.M.S. Jersey
Royal Navy
Son of Arthur and Sarah May Walker, of Bolton-on-Dearne, Yorkshire.