Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Saturday 14 January 1928
A Rating Appeal
The lack of amusement facilities in Bolton-on- Dearne, and the effect on the licensed trade of the village by the phenomenal increase in the transport facilities were points raised at the West Riding Quarter Sessions in Sheffield yesterday, during a rating appeal.
Mr. W. P. Donald, barrister, who appeared for the appellant, Mrs. Helliwell, of the Collingwood Hotel, said that in 1921 Bolton-on-Dearne could be described an isolated village, where the whole of the life, outside the churches, centred round the public houses. At that period only 25 motor omnibuses left the district every week, and the year was the best ever experienced by the tenant.
The Barnsley and District Traction Company commenced to run buses into the district and the Mexborough and Swinton Tramways also commenced to develop the services.
At present the weekly number of buses plying between Golthorpe and Bolton-on-Dearne was 1,646.
Value of House.
The appeal was respect of an assessment made the Don Valley Assessment Committee, explained Mr. Donald. In May last the gross estimated rental of the premises was placed at £240, and the ratable value £2OO. Previously the figures were £155 and £125 respectively.
The house was owned by the Barnsley Brewery Co. In 1922 the Buxton Arms was opened, and the Angel Hotel was rebuilt and moved nearer to Mrs. Helliwell’s premises.
Another public-house, the Cross Keys, was re-built. This house contained 50 per cent, more accommodation than the Collingwoocl. This had a serious effect on the trade of the Collingwood, but calastroohies never came singly, for the justices granted an off-licence for house in the district.
In view of the serious competition from the new house, the enlargement of other houses and the opening of the beer-off licence premises, the trade of the Collingwood Hotel dropped very considerably. In 1923 there was a loss of £39 on the house, compared with £462 profit in 1921.
Mr. Donald also pointed out that the assessment of the Cross Daggers, with its larger accommodation, was £15O, and that of the Angel £2OO.
In her evidence, Mrs. Helliwell gave figures showing the variation in the takings. In 1921 the figure £7,434, and in 1924 £5,127, but last year the takings further declined to £2,902.
Questioned by Mr. H. R. Bramley, for the assessment committee, Mrs. Helliwell did not agree that the increased travelling facilities had the effect of bringing more people into the place. There was no reason why Bolton-on- Dearne should receive visitors. They had no cinemas or market place. Churches and publichouses were the only things the village possessed. People visited Goldthorpe picture houses twice a week.
Bus Services.
Walter Edwin Nichol general manager of the Barnsley and District Traction Co., stated that prior to 1922 there were no regular daily motor services at Bolton-on-Dearne. In addition to the Barnsley buses, and the Mexborough and Swinton Tramways, the Dearno Valley Eight Railway now also operated. There was increasingly growing tendency for the people go out of the village to seek amusement elsewhere.
Other witnesses stated that the trade of the district would gradually improve, although one witness from Sunderland admitted that he was unaware of the reductions that had been made in miners’ wages.
The Bench fixed the estimated gross rental at £145, and allowed the appeal.