Home People Residents Montagu Hospital Appointment – New President – Mr. G. Dickinson

Montagu Hospital Appointment – New President – Mr. G. Dickinson

March 1939

Mexborough and Swinton Times, March 3, 1939

New President

Montagu Hospital Appointment

Mr. G. Dickinson

Mr. George Dickinson, of “Westholme,” Bolton-on-Dearne, the new President of the Mexborough Montagu Hospital, comes of one of the oldest Bolton families. The Dickinson family can be traced back to 1700 in the Bolton district.

Mr. Dickinson has been one of the most enthusiastic workers for the Montagu Hospital since he was elected to the Management Board as a representative of the Bolton subscribers in 1917. Many times he has walked from Bolton to Mexborough in bad weather to attend Board meetings, and his work throughout has been of the utmost value to the Institution. He was elected a Vice-President of the Hospital 18 years ago.

In 1925 Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson provided the equipment in the then newly erected massage department in memory of their only son, John, who was killed in the Great War while serving with the Royal Scots.

The Mexborough Hospital has been Mr. Dickinson’s chief interest apart from his private business. He was in business as a builder for 30 years, succeeding in the trade his father and grandfather, the latter of whom helped to erect the Menai Straits Suspension Bridge.

Mr. Dickinson is President of the Dearne District Operatic Society and of the Bolton Municipal Bowling Club. For 20 years, before the adoption of the the Local Government Act, he was clerkto the old Bolton School Board.

A strong supporter of the Established Church, he was for, nearly 20 years organist at the Bolton Parish Church, serving under four incumbents.