Yorkshire Evening Post – Thursday 25 March 1948
Miners Stay Out
Barnburgh pay dispute
Five Hundred of the 2,200 strikers at Barnburgh Main Colliery discussed at a massed meeting at the Collingwood Hotel. Bolton-on Dearne, the wages dispute by men which has brought the pit to a standstill.
The strikers decided remain out and fixed their next meeting for Bolton on Wednesday.
Three weeks ago the colliery began to develop a new seam—the Newhill seam—and 11 rippers engaged in the seam say they are entitled to receive bonus money over and above money paid over their contract price.
This procedure Is in operation in other seams of the pit.
An official of Barnburgh NUM. branch said that negotiations with the colliery management for the payment of this bonus had proved unsuccessful, so other workers the pit bad come out in sympathy with the rippers.