Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – September 18th, 1931

Marconigrams – September 18th, 1931

90 October 1983

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 18 September 1931


Thurnscoe is to have its first Music Festival on January and the syllabus will be available at the end of this month.

Entries for the Mexborough Musical Competition Festival, October 2nd and 3rd, number 275 compared with 333 last year.

The Conisborough Urban District Council have arranged for the floodlighting of Conisborough Castle nightly for the next six weeks.

The postponed finals of the Mexborough Lawn Tennis Association competitions will take place at Wath to-morrow, weather permitting.

Mr. Frank Clifford, manager of the Majestic Theatre Cinema, Wath-on-Dearne, has accepted a similar appointment at Stoke Newington.

Wath yesterday reached the final of the Yorkshire Cricket Council for the second time in their career, beating South Kirkby by eight wickets.

The South Yorkshire branch of the Working Men’s Club and Institute Union have passed a resolution protesting against the further tax on beer.

A new gas holder erected by Newton Chambers and Co., Ltd., of Thorncliffe, for the Wombwell Urban District Council, was completed on Tuesday.

The good old Bank of England, with a six per cent. half-yearly dividend, appears to be weathering the crisis all right. An old dog for a hard road.

Dr. Marion Phillips. M.P. is to address the South Yorkshire Labour Women’s Advisory Council at Doncaster tomorrow on “Labour in Parliament.”

The Wombwell Urban District Council is contracting to supply coke-oven gas to local glass works and is also seeking contracts for the heating of schools.

The Barnsley Town Council Monday let the contract for the super-structure of the new Town Hall to a Liverpool firm at £123,845, the lowest tender.

The Mexborough Urban District Council has, according to its minutes, gently but firmly refused offers from several firms to purchase its electricity undertaking.

The directors of the Hickleton Main Colliery Co., Ltd., have declared an interim dividend of 2 per cent., free of tax. The full dividend last year was 5 per cent., tax free.  critic says there is a fortune awaiting the man who can produce perfect stage snow. The same cannot be said of all those who produce a perfect stage frost— “Punch.”

The governors of the Wath Grammar School are urging the West Riding County Council to take nursing pupils from girls’ secondary schools into their county hospitals for training.

The Minister of Mines has informed Mr. T. NV. Grundy, M.P. (Bother Valley) that during each quarter of this year the output of British mines has fallen short of the permitted quota.

The next issue of the Mexborough and Swinton Times will be the last under that title. On and from October 3nd the paper will appear under the title South Yorkshire Times and Mexborough and Swinton Times.

The total credits of the Miners’ Welfare Fund at the end of August were £11,721,628. Allocations approved were £110,192,544, and out of this £4,108,034 has been allocated to recreation, £2,627,329 to health, £785,605 to education, and £1,750,065 for pit welfare.

It is claimed that “Old Moore” predicted the financial crisis to within a month. He further predicts that November will be “a month of great prosperity for old England.” We shall be satisfied if he is six weeks out there.

Herbert Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire batsman, on Wednesday beat his own aggregate record, scoring 3,006 runs. His average for the season 96.96, is the highest ever reached by an Englishman, Bradman, the Australian, holding the world record.

Bulbs, all top size: Hyacinths, Tulips, Daffodils, etc. Plant now for early flowers. Choice tomatoes. Brookfield Nurseries, Swinton, and covered market, Mexborough.