Home Sports Cricket Bolton Municipal C.C. team of 1934-38,

Bolton Municipal C.C. team of 1934-38,

29 July 1969

South Yorkshire Times July 26, 1969

The photograph, shows the Bolton Municipal C.C. team of 1934-38, which won the South Yorkshire League and Whitworth Cup in 1938.

The picture shows: Back row, left to right, Mr. R. Machin (Chairman), J. Ludlam, B. Williams, H. Lunn, A. Atkinson, W. Rogers, R. Higgs, Mr. W. Seymore (secretary);

front row: C. Sage, W. Birkin, F. Horner, W. Lowe (capt.), H. Atkinson, H. Teesdale, scorer K. Magowan.