Home Sports Football Bolton Athletic Team

Bolton Athletic Team

March 1969

South Yorkshire Times March 1, 1969

The photograph below which has been loaned to us by Mr. J.W.Cooke of 8 Lytham Road, Blackpool S., shows an old Bolton Athletic’s team during the first decade of the century.

In a letter Mr. Cook says he cannot remember most of those pictured, except “Pop” first on the left, front row, and his father, third on the left, standing. He also remembers Hellewell, standing on the right, who was then licensee of the Collingwood hotel. He also recalls that “Pop” was then licensee of the Crown, West Melton. He also asks if anyone knows the names of the other players.

Mr Cook adds that he was born in Bolton. His father Tom Cook, died in 1901 Mr Cook had two uncles living in local farms.