South Yorkshire Times January 24th 1948
Baby Dead in her Arms
Tragic Discovery by Bolton Mother
A story about a mother who awoke in the early morning and found her three weeks old child dead lying in the crook of her arm, was told at an inquest held at the Buxton Arms, Goldthorpe on Wednesday, on Elaine Susan Garbutt, born December 25, 1947, to Mrs Phyllis Garbutt, 133, Dearne Road, Bolton on Dearne, wife of Peter Duncan Garbutt, shop assistant.
Mr Garbutt said that the child enjoyed good health but on Friday, January 16, the baby began crying early in the morning and continued to do so throughout the day.
At 11:30 PM when she went to bed, Mr Garbutt decided that the child to sleep with her. She lay on the left side of the child lay in the crook of her arm.
On awakening the following morning about 7:30 PM she was still lying in the same position as was the baby. Mrs Garbutt realised that the baby was dead.
Doctor P Milligan, pathologist Practitioner, Doncaster, said that the child died from early pneumonia. Cause of death was bronchial pneumonia, due to an acute cold in the head. There were no pressure marks on the baby, and no signs of asphyxia.
“Natural causes” was a verdict recorded by the Doncaster District Coroner (Mr WH Carlile)