Home 1967 1967 Quarter 4

1967 Quarter 4

Wedding – Harrison & Williams

October 1967
South Yorkshire Times, November 11 1967 Miss C. Harrison of Bolton and Mr. B. Williams, of West Melton, at Bolton Methodist Church

Wedding – Wilson & Dawson

November 1967
South Yorkshire Times, November 11, 1967   Miss D. Wilson, of Bolton and Mr. J. Dawson, of Highgate, after their marriage on Saturday at Goldthorpe Parish...

Bolton W.M.C.

November 1967
South Yorkshire Times, November 25, 1967

Bolton Old Age Pensioners Christmas Party

December 1967
South Yorkshire Times, December 16, 1967 Guests at Bolton Old Age Pensioners Christmas Party gather round the prizes at Dearne Miners Welfare Hall

Wedding – Rawson & Sargison

December 1967
South Yorkshire Times, December 16, 1967 Miss L Rawson of Goldthorpe and Mr P Sargison of Bolton, at Goldthorpe Parish Church

St. Andrew’s Church Christmas Bazaar.

December 1967
South Yorkshire Times, December 9, 1967 "Come And Buy" . . Stallholders attract customers to their stall at Bolton St. Andrew's Church Christmas Bazaar.

Bolton W.M.C.

December 1967
South Yorkshire Times, December 30 1967