Home World War Two Stories from the War Soldiers – Woods Brothers – Brothers Meet In Naples

Soldiers – Woods Brothers – Brothers Meet In Naples

September 1944

South Yorkshire Times, September 9th 1944

Brothers Meet In Naples

Cpl. Fred Woods R.A.M.C., and L./Ac. Jack Woods are brothers and sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. Woods of 18, Furlong Road, Bolton. Both are abroad.

Fred is a Dunkirk man and made several trips to the latter place in a hospital ship.  He is now in Italy, joining up in 1939. He was before that on the staff of the Storrs Hall Institution, Huddersfield. L./Ac.

Jack Woods joined up three years ago last May, and has been all through the Middle East campaign, and is now in Italy.  Recently, Jack heard of his brother Fred, whom he had not seen for 4 ½ years, being on leave in Naples, and was fortunate enough to find him.  A letter home to their parents described the happy reunion.

Jack was employed at Manvers Main Colliery before joining up.  Both are old boys of Bolton Council School.

Sister, Alice is a L./Cpl. In the A.T.S. which she joined in April 1943.