Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Tuesday 21 September 1897
Serious Fire at Bolton on Dearne.
Ten Stacks Destroyed.
Last night about 8.30 a messenger was despatched from Mr. J. Gillott, Highgate House, BoIton on Dearne, for Wath Fire Brigade, the messenger stating that a stack was on Fire. The brigade were the scene of the fire nearly three miles away—under a quarter of hour, only to fine the whole of the stacks with exception if one were farm ablaze. The stackyard is near the faun house, and strong wind was blowing that direction that the time the efforts Captain Poole and his men were concentrated towards keeping the flames from the outbuildings and the other stack. A difficulty was experience in obtaining water after a pond close by had been pumped dry: but eventually the hose pipes were connected with the mains and greater force water was then obtained.
The fire was smouldering at 9 o’clock this morning and the Wath Fire Brigade and a large number of volunteers were coping with the remnants of the stacks, very high wind making their task difficult.
The fire was confined to the stacks, but a number of farming implements have also been rendered useless. Ten stacks have been burned down. Mr Gillott has now idea how fire originated, but it is supposed to be the work of an incendiary.
The loss only partially covered by insurance.