Sheffield Independent – Wednesday 28 November 1928
“This Sausage.”
Reform Bill A Packet Of Mystery.
Strong comments on the attitude of the Urban Councils Association Conference in regard to the local Government Hill and the de-rating proposals were made at Bolton-on-Dearne Urban District Council meeting last night, when a resolution regretting the attitude of the conference was passed.
Mr. A. Souchard said they could not too strongly emphasise their regret at the attitude of the executive of the conference.
“It the only association that has not taken measures to protest at tins sausage —this packet mystery this local Government Bill,” he said. “I think the Urban Council Association Conference should have taken some drastic steps to protest against the Bill. Anyone who attempts the task unraveling the measure is a candidate either for the lunatic asylum or a suicide’s grave.
The Government are endeavouring make things as difficult they possibly can for the community, and they are not studying the interests of the people at large, but the interests of a few people of this Government whose minds are a heterogeneous mass of ineptitude. I do not know what the outcome of the Bill will be.”