Home World War Two Injured and Missing Airman – Marwood, George Walton – Missing After Flight Over Germany

Airman – Marwood, George Walton – Missing After Flight Over Germany

October 1939

Mexborough and Swinton Times, October 14, 1939

Reported Missing After Flight Over Germany

Bolton Sergeant Observer

Mrs. Marwood, an old Bolton-on- Dearne resident, who for the present is residing away from her home district, has had a letter from the Wing Commander of her son’s section in the R.A.F. stating that her son,  George Walton Marwood, a Sergeant Observer in the Royal Air Force is missing.

Sergeant Observer Marwood went over Western Germany together with other machines and the  machine in which he was one of the crew failed to return.

He is an old Bolton boy and was educated at Bolton Council School and, after winning a scholarship, Wath Grammar School.

On leaving the Grammar School he joined the Royal Air Force. After his fourth year he was sent to China in 1933 and returned to England in 1936. It was his sixth trip over Germany.

From C.W.G.C.:

Service Number: 564032

Regiment & Unit/Ship : Royal Air Force 114 Sqdn.

Date of Death : Died 13 October 1939

Age 25 years old

Buried or commemorated at RHEINBERG WAR CEMETERY 1. A. 1.
