Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – December 7th, 1912

Marconigrams – December 7th, 1912

December 1912

Mexborough and Swinton Times, December 7, 1912


The resignation is impending of an official of the Mexborough Urban District Council.

The will of the late Mr Thomas Schofield, of Hope cottage, Mexborough has been proved at £2,103

A Swinton girl named Edith Vernon, 84 Queen St, has been missing since Tuesday evening.

It has been suggested at Mexborough this week that a local Territorial cops should be established.

Some important property sales are announced to be held at Mexborough and Thurnscoe on Thursday next.

Thurnscoe Council invites applications for the position of Inspector of Nuisances and Surveyor at a salary of hundred £40 a year American, and all kinds of foreign money changed to any extent, at the “Times” Office, Mexborough.

Canadian, American, and all kinds of foreign money changed to any extent, at the “Times” Office, Mexborough.

The gross takings at the Conisborough Church bazaar of Mount £154 14s 4d. The net receipts will probably be £146.

The treat to the old folks in Mexborough will be given early in January. The treaty this year is confined to old folks over 60 years of age.

Miss E Wood, of Newcastle, has been appointed domestic teacher at the Mexborough Secondary Schools, as a commencing salary of £110 per annum.

It is reported that Bolton Councillors favour a scheme of municipal Trolley Omnibuses, given the service between Barnsley and Doncaster via Goldthorpe.

We understand that Mr Bridges has resigned his position as under manager of the Cadeby Colliery. A successor is Mr E.W. Cook, of Wath Main.

The marriage of Miss Dorothy Sorby, of Darfield, to Mr Norman Roberts, of Sheffield, will take place at Darfield Church on Wednesday, December 18th.

Compensation awards amounting to about £3000 in connection with the Cadeby pit disaster were made by Judge Allen at Doncaster County Court on Wednesday.

We regret to learn that Mr John Soar, was been associated with the Denaby and Cadeby colliery for many years is going into retirement at the end of the year.

The recent heavy snowfall and resulted in severe floods in Conisborough and Kilnhurst district, where both the canal and river and overflowed the banks, and impassable for navigation

The affairs of Wombwell builder, Alfred Whitehead, were publicly examine at the Barnsley Bankruptcy Court last Friday. The debtor’s transactions and methods were sharply criticised.

Mr Arthur Peace, formerly of the Reresby Arms, Denaby Main, failed to attend his bankruptcy examination in Sheffield yesterday (Thursday). It was reported that he had absconded from the district.

The Mexborough and District Homing Society held their annual tea at the Roman Hotel last Saturday. 72 sat down to the team. Afterwards medals were presented, and a pleasant evening was spent.

It is intended to form a Tennis Club for Mexborough, and a meeting of the guarantors will be held at the Institute, High Street, Mexborough on Monday next at 7–30.

The “Merry-Makers” is the name of a new troupe of entertainers who make their first public appearance on Thursday evening next, in the Mexborough Public Hall, at the Café Chantant arranged for the benefit of the Mexborough Cricket Club.

An interesting map of the route to be taken by the Trolley omnibuses in the scheme presented by the Mexborough and Swinton Tramways Company will be printed in next week’s issue.

An organ recital will be given at St Margaret’s Church Swinton on Sunday week, December 15th by Mr H Douglas Brown of Conisbrough. The vocalists are Miss Tingle of West Melton and Master H Sharpe of Stainforth.