South Yorkshire Times, May 30th, 1970
Ministry Orders Smoke Ban On 500 Dearne Homes from Next Year
The Ministry of Housing and Local Government have confirmed a smoke control order for Dearne affecting more than 500 houses. The order comes into effect from July 1st, 1971.
In a report the Ministry Inspector, Mr. L. Howell, describes Dearne as a “black” area, where smoke pollution is a serious social evil.
Mr. Howell estimated that some 3,000 to 3,500 tons of coal were probably burned each year on domestic fires in the Order area, which covers 392 N.C.B. houses south of Ingsfield Lane, Bolton, and 118 other houses in Dearne Road, Werst Avenue and Wath Road, Bolton.
Heavy pollution
He says the atmosphere pollution must be heavy, and concludes that the elimination of this smoke would mean a considerable improvement in the area, and in the built-up areas to the north and north east.
The report continues that at present it is estimated that more than four-fifths of all smoke in the country comes from domestic chimneys.
“There is no doubt that the council are in principle justified in seeking to extend the area of their district under smoke control,” it says.
Supply doubts
Objections against the order were made on the grounds that there would be an inadequate supply of the cheaper kind of smokeless fuels and the length of time for carrying out the necessary fireplace adaptations.
But in his report Mr. Howell estimates that supplies of fuel would be adequate by April, 1971, and that fireplace conversions would be completed by July 1st, 1971.
However, Mr. Herbert Swift, secretary of the Barnburgh Main N.U.M. branch told the “South Yorkshire Times” this week that in his opinion there would be a shortage of smokeless fuel for the area in July 1971.
“Even now people living in smokeless areas are having to wait for deliveries of smokeless fuel, and I do not see the situation improving.” he said